Social Media Technology

How to Delete a Video from YouTube

How to Delete a Video from YouTube

How to Delete a Video from YouTube: It is a website that allows its users to download the visual videos on the site for free, watch them through a live broadcast, share them with others, and comment on them. The site was established on February 14, 2005 by three PayPal employees, and they are Judd Karim, and Steve Chen, and Hurley Tofted, in California, in the United States of America, and the site’s content includes movie clips, television, music, and many more, and there are more than 67 employees in it, and in 2006, Google bought it for $ 1.65 billion, That is approximately 1.31 billion euros, and it is considered one of the most visited sites from around the world.

How to Delete a Video from YouTube

How to Delete a video from YouTube

  • Step 1: We log in to YouTube.
  • Step 2: We click on our name on YouTube, and it is on the top, then we choose from the list the word Video Manager, or Video Manager.
  • Step 3: We find a list of the videos that we uploaded to YouTube earlier, then we click on it and tick the video that we want to delete.
  • Step 4: Click on the Actions menu, and it’s at the top of the list of videos.
  • Step 5: We choose from the list the word delete, and thus the video will have been deleted, but it must be taken into account that the videos will not be able to return to them, and there is no recycle bin on YouTube, so you must think carefully before deleting the video.

Note: It is better to download the video before deleting, so that we have no difficulty when we want to restore it again in the past.

Download the video from the YouTube site of the video owner

On YouTube, there is a video viewing service, and no one can download it except the owner of the video himself, through the control panel, which is located next to each downloaded video clip, and on it is written the download command in mp4 format, and this feature helps the owners of the videos Downloaded users can download their videos anytime they want.

How to download the video from YouTube via other sites

There are many websites on the Internet, through which we can download any video we like, and these programs provide the service of downloading videos and saving them on our own device, and most of these sites work using the java feature, so permission will be required to play the video before it starts There are some sites that convert videos before you download them to a second format, or another type, and you can convert them into an audio file.

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