Foods Health and Fitness Lifestyle

The Importance of Healthy Food in Our Daily Life

A healthy food is outlined as quite a lot of meals that present the physique or body with the vitamins crucial to keep up its well being and supply it with power, along with producing a good feeling for it. These parts include carbohydrates , proteins, and fat along with minerals, nutritional vitamins, and water. A nutritious diet helps stop malnutrition in all its kinds, and helps stop noncommunicable illnesses, such as heart illness, diabetes , and most cancers.

In fact, healthy eating practices begin early in human life. As breastfeeding helps healthy growth, cognitive development, as well as other health benefits in the long run, such as reducing the risk of obesity in humans Or weight gain and some noncommunicable diseases later in his life.

The Importance of Healthy Food

Healthy food

A healthy diet is of great benefit to all parts of the body. It supports it in performing its various functions, and helps protect cells from environmental damage and repair damaged ones.

As the protein helps rebuild the affected tissues, and boosts the functioning of the immune system, while carbohydrates and fats provide the energy needed for the body, and both vitamins and minerals enter various body processes.

For example, Vitamin C and Vitamin A, in addition to Vitamin E, work as antioxidants against various toxins. As for the Vitamin B family, it helps the body extract energy from food, and both phosphorus and calcium maintain bone strength and health. In addition to sodium and potassium, which help the body to transmit nerve signals.

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 Disease prevention

A healthy and balanced diet helps prevent many diseases, not only obesity and related diseases; It should be noted, however, that a severe increase or decrease in one of the foodstuffs may result in several health problems. With an increased risk of cancer, while a person’s diet contains too much saturated fat can cause cardiovascular disease.

 Weight control

Losing weight does not only need to reduce the intake of calories daily. Rather, a healthy and balanced diet should be followed, and refrain from eating calorie- rich meals such as fast food, processed foods, and sugar-rich beverages, and be careful to eat foods and drinks with a lower caloric content and higher food content, and it is worth noting that it is necessary to avoid diets Popular food.

Such as those that recommend refraining from eating for long periods of time, or avoid eating certain food groups such as meat, fish , wheat, and dairy products, since these diets have dangerous unwanted side effects; It causes dangerous breath, diarrhea, and headache , in addition to a lack of durability and persistence.

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 Healthy Food Ingredients

Healthy food

A nutritious diet consists of all meals and drinks inside the acceptable energy based on the next recommendations:

  • To include a variety of vegetables ; Including dark green vegetables, red and orange vegetables, as well as starchy vegetables and legumes and more.
  • It contains fruits; Especially whole fruits.
  •  It contains pills; Provided that at least half of them are whole grains.
  • It contains low-fat or dairy products.
  •  Contains a variety of protein products; Including seafood, lean meat, poultry, eggs, legumes , and nuts.

Steps to follow healthy eating habits

Everyone has nutritional habits that they have been rooted in from childhood; Some are good, others are bad, such as not eating breakfast, and it is worth noting that the sudden change of such habits and others is certainly difficult, but it can be overcome by setting an organized plan, and here are some tips for that:

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  • Writing a list of a person’s nutritional habits, by writing down everything that is eaten, and the way in which food is eaten, over a period of several days.
  • Determining unsound food habits, which usually lead to excessive eating such as: eating too fast, eating in spite of being hungry, eating in a standing position, eating too much sweets, and cutting out some foods like breakfast .
  • Remember when and how some bad eating habits arose, which are usually the result of an emotional symptom or environmental reasons.
  •  Abandoning unhealthy habits and trying to follow healthy habits, and that is after knowing the reasons behind bad habits.
  • Continue to promote new healthy habits, try to monitor a person for himself, as well as be patient.


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