Mango Health Benefits: Nutrition and How to Eat It

mango benefits

Mango (Mangifera indica) is called the “king of fruits”. Mango is classified as one of the fruits of high nutritional value, as it provides the body with calories, fiber, vitamins, and minerals, and its peel, seeds, and pulp contain many bioactive compounds, which include food and non-food compounds that possess properties They are biological agents that work through oxidation and reduction mechanisms. Here overview of mango benefits, nutrients and how to eat it.

Mangoes are one of the most famous fruits in the world and have many potential benefits, and they belong to a family called the Drupe family, which is one of the plants that has a soft and thick pulp that surrounds a cavity that contains the seed and belongs both coconut , olives, and dates to the same family, it is worth mentioning that the mango is different form, color, and taste, and the size of the seed.

It is worth noting that mangoes are considered tropical fruits, and their trees can be grown directly from the seed, and the chance of germination increases if the seed is taken from a well-ripe mango, not tough, and the seed must be fresh and not dry, and in case it is not possible to plant The seed can be covered within a few days after taking it from the fruit, it can be covered with moist soil, and the mango pulp must be completely removed from the seed, then the seed peel must be opened to extract the core inside, which must not be cut, and then the kernel is treated with fungicides and sown directly without delay, and the seed that succeeded needs Its germination can take up to 6 years until it starts producing fruits, and 15 years to give its best production.

Mango Contains Nutrients



The mango fruit contains many polyphenols that are considered antioxidants, such as: mangiferin, catechins, anthocyanins, and benzoic acid, and quercetin, and others, which protect cells from the risk of damage caused by free radicals, and in addition, the mango fruit contains some types of antioxidants important for the health of the eyes , the most important of which is: Lutein, Zeaxanthin, which accumulates in the retina of the eye, protects the eyes from sunlight, absorbs excess light, and reduces the risk of exposure to harmful blue rays.

Vitamin C

One cup of mango covers the daily needs of vitamin C , which is necessary for the health of the immune system and the health of the walls of blood vessels, in addition to maintaining the strength of connective tissue increase the body’s immunity, vitamin C contributes to enhancing cell functions in both the innate or natural immune system, and the adaptive immune system and from It is worth noting that not eating enough of this vitamin leads to poor wound healing and joint pain, and can also lead to scurvy disease in difficult cases. Mango also contains vitamin K , vitamin E, and a number of B vitamins that contribute to a healthy immune system.

Vitamin A

The vitamin A of important vitamins for health matter, skin, reproductive system, and the growth of cells. The mango fruit a good source of vitamin A , which promotes hair growth, and the secretion of fat that moisturizes the scalp, and maintains the health of the hair, the importance of vitamin A in the growth and protection of apparent tissues such as skin, hair, and sebaceous glands, that vitamin A deficiency leads to dehydration. Eye, and night blindness, in children, and it is worth noting that a significant decrease in it can lead to more serious problems such as corneal ulcers .

It is worth noting that one mango pill covers 10% of the body needs of vitamin A, which is necessary for the immune system and helps reduce infection.


Folate is one of the B-complex vitamins, important for heart health and blood cell production


Mango is one of the fruits rich in potassium, while it is almost devoid of sodium, so it helps to regulate blood pressure and maintain the balance of fluids in the body.

The Nutritional Value of Mangoes

mango benefits

The following table explains some of the nutrients found in 100 grams of mango:

NutrientsNutritional value
Calories60 calories
Water 83.46 ml
Protein0.82 gm
Carbohydrates 14.98 gm
Fats0.38 gm
Fiber1.6 gm
Calcium11 mg
Vitamin C36.4 mg
Vitamin A 1082 IU
Folate 43 mcg
Sugar 13.66 gm
Iron0.16 mg
Magnesium 10 mg
Phosphorous 14 mg
Potassium 168 mg
Sodium1 mg

Benefits of Eating Mango

mango benefits

Promote Digestion

Mango contains a group of digestive enzymes known as amylases that break down large food particles to make them easier to absorb. They break down complex carbohydrates into sugars, such as glucose and maltose. Its taste is sweeter than the unripe fruit, and it is worth noting that mangoes also help relieve digestive problems, such as: diarrhea and constipation, because they contain a high percentage of fiber and water.

Promote Heart Health

The fiber, vitamins , and potassium present in mangoes help improve arterial function and reduce the risk of heart disease. Magnesium and potassium also contribute to improving blood pressure and maintaining a healthy pulse, in addition to their antioxidant content. In study mango could help lower blood cholesterol , triglycerides, and fatty acid levels in heart attack mice.

Reducing the Risk of Cancer

Mango contains a high percentage of polyphenols that have anti-cancer properties, they help reduce the risk of oxidative stress associated with more than one type of cancer.

A study show Mango extract may help reduce the growth of prostate cancer cells, and enhance the process of their destruction through apoptosis.

mangiferin may reduce inflammation, protect cells from oxidative stress, and reduce the risk of some types of cancer, when consumed with some compounds. Used against cancer, in addition, mangoes contain carotenoid that can reduce the risk of colon cancer and skin cancer.

Reducing the Risk of Diabetes

A study published showed that mango leaves may help reduce the risk of diabetes, by reducing levels of sugar and fats in the blood, and contributing to the reduction of excess weight, because they contain mangiferin And some phytochemicals, such as phenol and flavonoid.

How to Eat Mango

  • Peel the mango, attach it to a wooden stick, and then slic it with a knife to obtain the shape of a flower.
  • Cut a piece of it into small cubes
  • In each of them, and freezing them. Prepare a fruit salad from it, as multiple varieties of fruit are cut into medium-sized cubes, then mixed together to form a salad. Cut it into slices, and serve.

Mango Peels Benefits

Most people get rid of the peels of fruits and vegetables, including mangoes, although they are edible and loaded with beneficial nutrients, such as: polyphenols, carotenoids, vitamin C and vitamin E, in addition to the fibre necessary to improve digestion and delay the feeling of hunger for a longer period.

Mango peel powder is rich in fiber and antioxidants, but it should be noted that there are some caveats to consuming mango peels, including the following:

Possibility of causing allergies: mango peels contain a mixture of organic chemicals that are also found in both poison ivy and poison oak, which may cause exposure to it in some people, and so attention must be paid when eating these peels.

 It contains the remnants of pesticides: pesticides are used to eliminate bacterial infection, and insects that may destroy vegetable and fruit crops, and eating mango peel may cause consumption of the remnants of these pesticides, which may lead to disruption of the endocrine system, problems with reproduction, and may also increase the risk of infection With some types of cancer, but it should be noted that such problems do not occur because of the small quantities that may be on the peels of fruits, but rather they occur as a result of continuous exposure to pesticides, and in large quantities.

Its texture and taste is not desirable: unlike the sweet and soft mango fruit, the texture of the mango peel, and its taste is not desirable, as it is thick, hard to chew, and has a slightly bitter taste, which may reduce the desire to eat it despite its nutritional benefits The many.

Mango seeds

Unripe mango seeds can be eaten, but they harden when the fruit is completely ripened, and then they are only eaten in the form of a powder. It should be noted that the seeds contain a high concentration of active ingredients, such as phenolics and antioxidants, so it is preferable to eat them as they are in addition to the fact that these seeds have many properties, we mention the following:

  • Good source of bioactive compounds.
  • Rich source of antioxidants.
  • A source of high-quality protein, which contains all essential amino acids .
  • A source of fats rich in unsaturated fatty acids, and free of harmful trans fatty acids . Their use in the food industry.

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