Foods Health and Fitness Lifestyle

7 Benefits and Uses of Aloe Vera, which you should know about

Aloe vera is a well-known name in the world of cosmetics and health. It is a plant of cactus species, which is grown in a hot and dry climate. It is widely cultivated in the southern border regions of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California. It has been used to make Ayurvedic medicines for years. Aloe vera gel helps us to protect from sunburn and heal wounds. But did you know that your favorite potted plant can be used for many more benefits?

With its gentle gel without oil, you can make a night cream. You can layer the skin with the help of its gel to avoid the harmful rays of the sun. It can be used as a hair cream, which prevents hair fall problems. That is, it has so many benefits that if you go to count, your fingers will fall short. And for these reasons it is also called a miracle plant. We are telling you about the 7 uses and benefits of aloe vera juice, which you can include in your daily routine.

Also read: 6 Healthy Benefits of Aloe Vera Gel Overall

 Aloe Vera
  1. Diabetes Control
  2. Heartburn Relief
  3. Mouth Wash
  4. Body Detox
  5. Constipation Relief
  6. Skin and Hair Care
  7. Rich in Nutrients

Diabetes Control

Consuming two tablespoons of aloe vera juice daily proves helpful in reducing the sugar level in the blood. That is, you can use it for diabetes control. You can mix it with juice or take it with water. Try to make juice from fresh pulp, this will save you from the chemical-laden aloe vera juice in the market. Also read: The Difference Between Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes: Symptoms

Heartburn Relief

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a digestive problem that often leads to heartburn. In a study in 2010, it was suggested that if someone is having this problem again and again, then about half an hour before a meal, consume 1 to 3 ounces of aloe vera juice. This will help in getting relief from the problem of GERD.

Mouth Wash

According to a 2014 study published in the Ethiopian Journal of Health Science, aloe vera extract is a safe and effective alternative to chemical-laden mouthwashes available in the market. This plant base natural ingredient rich in Vitamin C, ie Aloe Vera Gel, provides relief from swollen gums and bleeding gums. You can also gargle with aloe vera juice mixed with water.

Body Detox

If you are on a weight loss journey, then take aloe vera with you! It contains proteins, vitamins and anti-oxidants, which help in body detox. In the morning, mix 2 tbsp aloe vera juice and 1 tbsp amla juice in a glass of lukewarm water. Do not eat anything for about an hour after taking it. It can also be taken with lemon juice. And you can also make and drink aloe vera and ginger tea. This will reduce your weight fast. Also read: 9 Best Foods for Detoxing: Foods that Cleanse your Body

Constipation Relief

Aloe vera has laxative properties, which clears the stomach and gives you relief from constipation. It also contains a lot of fiber, which works to digest food properly. If you have frequent constipation problems, then take two tablespoons of aloe vera juice daily, it improves the digestive system and works to keep the good bacteria of the intestine healthy. You can make juice from fresh aloe vera leaves at home.

 Aloe Vera

Liver Function

Your overall health depends on your healthy liver function. Aloe vera juice is a great way to keep your liver healthy. This is because the liver functions best when your body is adequately nourished and hydrated. Hydrating and rich in phytonutrients, aloe vera juice is an ideal drink for the liver.

Skin and Hair Care

Aloe vera gel can be used to keep the skin clean and hydrated and to prevent hair fall and dryness. Enriched with 96% water and tons of amino acids, this transparent gel contains Vitamins A, B, C and E, which provide essential nourishment to your body, skin and hair. Aloe vera balances the sebum production and pH level of the scalp. Due to which hair fall is reduced and hair growth increases. It keeps the skin moisturized and hydrated. Use aloe vera gel directly on your hair and skin or by mixing it with vitamin E oil.


Aloe vera juice is rich in nutrients. It contains important vitamins and minerals like vitamins B, C, E and folic acid. By including it in your diet, you can fulfill the deficiency of nutrients. Consumption of Aloe Vera in proper quantity gives you health. Makes skin shiny and hair strong. Use gel for cosmetics and juice for health. Do not forget to consult a doctor before including it in your diet. Although you will find many brands of aloe vera gels and juices very easily in the market, but we recommend that you prepare them at home with aloe vera leaves. This will save you from chemical-laden products. Place aloe vera plant in any corner of the house. Along with increasing the beauty of the house, it will also give you oxygen and you will also be able to take all the above benefits. And one thing its care is very easy. You don’t have to work too hard.


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