Hair Care Health and Fitness Lifestyle

7 Amazing Tips for Hair Care During Rainy Days

Generally, hair falls more in the rainy season than in other seasons. You are not able to enjoy the rain because of the fear of hair problems. We often do not understand why this happens and keep wandering around. In such a situation, it is very important that the hair is properly taken care of so that they remain healthy and shiny. For this, we are telling you some hair care tips, by trying which you will be able to take full care of the health of your hair.

Top 7 Best Tips for Hair Care During Rainy Season, Get your Hair Healthy and Shiny

Hair Care

Keep hair nourished

Give warm oil massage to the hair and roots at least once a week. Lukewarm oil works to retain moisture in the hair. With this, oil based-serum can also be used. Do not forget to do deep conditioning of hair twice a month. Keep yourself hydrated by drinking water and use less caffeine.

Shampoo after soaking

If you like to get wet in the rain or such hair has become wet, then come home and shampoo it before drying it. After getting wet in the rain, the hair gets very tangled with each other and also loses its moisture. So wash the hair first and then conditioner.

Do not comb wet hair

It becomes very delicate after soaking and shampooing. Therefore, instead of rubbing them dry with a towel, wipe them with light hands and let them dry naturally. After that comb the hair.

Keep hair covered

Daily wetting of hair can make them more sick. That means your hair will start falling more. In such a situation, protect your hair from the moisture caused by rain. Whenever you go out, keep them covered with the help of scarf or cap and hat. This will keep both your hair and scalp healthy.

Keep hair short

It is very difficult to take care of big hair during rainy days. There are also many problems in cleaning and drying them. They have to be tied for fear of getting wet, due to which there is also a risk of many types of infections. In such a situation, if your hair is too big, then get them shortened. Anyway, getting the hair trimmed every three months is good for their growth.

Reduce use of dry shampoo

If you are going for meetings or for some function and your hair has become messy due to wetness, then you can use dry shampoo. Keep a small mini spray bottle and paper towels with you. Dry the scalp with hair first. After that spray dry shampoo. Protect your scalp with dry shampoo. Use dry shampoo only when necessary. Don’t forget to shampoo your hair after returning home.

Eat nutritious food

To keep hair healthy, you have to give nutritious food instead of junk food in your diet. Avoid fried things. Eat a diet rich in fresh fruits, green vegetables, whole grains and proteins.

By trying all these tips, you can save your hair from excessive fall during the rainy days. However, their loss is a natural process for new hair to come in place of old hair. But if there is more problem then consult a doctor.

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