Foods Health and Fitness Lifestyle

The Most Important Foods for Diabetics Patients

Foods for Diabetics

The best foods for diabetics are often unprocessed foods such as fruits and vegetables. Including these foods in the diet of a diabetic helps to meet his special nutritional needs, and also contributes to reducing the risk of complications from diabetes such as heart disease, and this does not mean that the patient consumes only vegetables and fruits Instead, he should make it the basis of his diet, while adding other types of foods.

One of the most important foods that all people in general and diabetics, in particular, should stay away from are processed foods that are full of sugars and very harmful industrial dyes.

Also read: The Difference Between Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes: Symptoms

Foods for Diabetics

Also read: Which Symptoms of Diabetes that Should not be Ignored

The most important food for diabetics


The best cereals for diabetics

  • Bread made from whole-grain flour, such as whole-wheat flour.
  • Whole grains of rice.
  • Breakfast cereals made with whole grains and without sugar.
  • Corn and popcorn.
  • Beans.

The worst grain White flour.

  • White rice of all kinds.
  • White bread.
  • Food prepared with white flour.
  • Breakfast cereal is full of sugars and dyes.

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Vegetables and fruits

The best fruits and vegetables for diabetics

  • Fresh vegetables are eaten raw, boiled or grilled.
  • Frozen vegetables, to which no preservatives have been added.
  • Green vegetables, such as: lettuce, spinach, watercress, and leafy greens.
  • Fresh fruits and juice made from natural fruits.
  • Jam prepared without adding any sugars to it.
  • Frozen fruits, which have no preservatives.

The worst types are fruits and vegetables

  • Canned food; As it contains a lot of sodium and preservatives.
  • Pickles of all kinds.
  • Cooked vegetables with toppings such as butter, cheese, or sauces filled with sodium.
  • Candies, jelly, and jam prepared with sugar.
  • Sweetened fruit juice.

Also read: How Diabetes Affects Erectile Dysfunction?

Meat, poultry and their products

This menu includes beef, poultry, fish, turkey, seafood, dairy and animal products.

The best picks

  • Grilled, boiled and baked meats with very little fat.
  • Turkey bacon.
  • chicken breast. Grilled and steamed fish.
  • eggs.
  • Skimmed milk.
  • Low-fat cheeses.
  • Yogurt.

The worst choices

  • Meat that is fried and full of fat.
  • Fatty cheeses.
  • Eat chicken skin.
  • Whole milk.
  • Ice cream.
  • The kind.

Oils and snacks

The best picks

  • Foods that are fat-free or made with little oil.
  • Puffed rice flakes.
  • Light salad dressings.
  • Popcorn prepared with a small amount of oil.

The worst choices

  • Meals made with large amounts of butter and artificial sweeteners.
  • Regular mayonnaise.
  • Popcorn prepared with butter and oil.


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