5 Adobe Illustrator Software Tips & Tricks for Starters

Yes, whenever you people think of Adobe-related artwork, the term ‘user-friendly’ is typically coming to mind last. It indicated that every designer shows their unique way of using illustrator’s endless features and even works efficiently in solving its hidden mysteries. However, if it comes to converting regular PNG file type to Ai (Adobe Illustrator) format, then an online PNG to Ai converter is a program that you required.
Although there’s no single way to use the Ai software correctly, thus, we have listed a few most essential tips and tricks that work smart and best for your artwork.
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Learn Your Shortcuts Backwards and Forwards:
Well, there are innumerable shortcuts in Ai, many of them will make your time spent using the program much more credible. Usually, shortcuts are indicated as a way to boost up your process – but even more crucially, they entirely unlock the hidden capabilities of the program’s tools. But, if you people are looking for shortcuts to perform Ai image conversions, then click on theonlineconverter.com that offers the best PNG to AI converter to turn PNG into Ai vector file and much more vector image converters.
Remember that shortcuts work as your life jacket as it keeps you afloat in the huge ocean of this expansive program.
Make the Bezier Tool Your BFF:
Undoubtedly, this advice is patent that you will find on any illustrator tips guide, but the value of it just can’t be understated. Yes, the Bezier tool is the most useful tool in your arsenal to proceed with better outcomes. This is the tool that is akin to a pencil and considered to draw lines, shapes, and the foundations of your next-level illustrator masterpiece. But, remember that it can only be implemented on EPS, PSD, PS, Ai vector-related images rather than regular image file types like BMP, JPG, or PNG. If you have PNGs and want to work within the Bezier tool, then use free PNG to AI converter online to convert PNG to Ai vector file. Once done, now you could enjoy your art-related work swiftly.
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This tool is sometimes also said to be a Pen Tool that is often the bane of designers. Even it is especially best for a starter to the Ai program, but it’s crucial to learn how to control the Bezier Tool from YouTube to mastering the tool now!
Set Up Your Workspace For Instant Outcomes:
Whenever you open up illustrator, you should have to think about your ideal interface setup. Did you know where your Open Type Windows or Pathfinder Window is? Or is your viewfinder open? Take a look properly and then commence with arranging your space by simply moving around panels and docks.
You just have to use the “Window” drop-down list to simply choose from some of the illustrator’s preset layouts in the Workspace category (Painting, Typography, and Web). Yes, these are the pre-made workspaces from which you can easily find exactly what will work best for you. But, if not, then you ought to go down the list further and explore the panels that you need to attain your work done with ease. No matter whether you are working with workspace or any other parameter, always use Ai due to its vector nature rather than PNG. However, if conversion is your concern, then thanks to online PNG to Ai converter that helps you to save PNG as Ai vector image.
Yes, it’s best to Export Wisely!
Let’s say that you just finished your latest masterpiece artwork and you are now about to save it out as a .PNG! Although that might entirely fly in PS (Photoshop), there is a highly efficient way to export your hard work in Adobe Illustrator to retain its quality. Thus, it’s best to use an AI vector graphic file instead of PNG or JPG. That’s why professionals use PNG to Ai converter free to convert PNG image to vector Ai image and then proceed with illustrator artwork.
One of the best options there is simply “Export for Web”, you just stick with (hotkey combo of Shift + Option + Command + S) this will take you there. Now, here you could easily edit the dimensions of your final image and even effortlessly make the background transparent. If you people are seeking for sharp-looking PNG raster image, then this will do the job smartly (you can there also export as .gif or .jpg as required from this menu). Well, if your artwork needs to retain its vector-based qualities, then you ought to save it .PDF document file format.
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