Foods Health and Fitness Lifestyle

Flax Seed Oil is Good for Health: Benefits and Nutrients

Flax seed oil is widely used in medicine and cosmetology, but it is very rarely used by ordinary people. It contains so many important and healthy properties, and it makes a lot of sense to use it every day, all your life.

The value of this oil for the human body is conditioned by its rich composition, both fatty acids and macro and microelements. According to the content of omega-3 fatty acids, it is three times richer than fish oil. So, for those who do not like fish, this oil is a real discovery.

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The Benefits of Flax Seed Oil for the Body

For Weight Loss

Oleic acid omega-9, linoleic acid omega-6, alpha-linolenic acid omega-3 – are effective activators for weight loss. Therefore, everyone who has a problem with excess weight, should pay attention to this product. You can add it to yogurts or salads, or consume it as a standalone product.

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For the cardiovascular system

Flaxseed oil protects against diseases of the cardiovascular system, normalizes blood pressure, lowers blood cholesterol levels, and also improves the health and elasticity of blood vessels.

For women’s health

The presence of lignin in this oil acts to activate the normal balance of hormones in the body. Thanks to flaxseed oil, menstrual pain and menopause are easier to bear.

For youth and beauty

Flax seed oil normalizes the work of sebaceous glands. Also, masks based on this oil have rejuvenating, nourishing and antibacterial properties. Flax seed oil is good to use for eyelashes and eyebrows, the effect is much stronger than castor oil. If you make a mixture of honey, oil and lemon, you will get a real elixir that rejuvenates the whole organism.

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How to Eat it?

Usually, as a preventive measure, flaxseed oil is consumed on an empty stomach, ie 20-30 minutes before the first meal. It is enough to take only one to two tablespoons.

To see a positive result on your body, flaxseed oil should be used for at least two months, daily (one to two tablespoons).

People with regular drug therapy should consult a doctor before taking flaxseed oil.

If you are taking certain anticoagulants, be sure to consult your doctor.

Omega-3 fatty acids can also increase the need for drugs that lower blood sugar.

In patients suffering from diabetes, a disorder is possible due to which the organism is not able to convert alpha-linolenic acid into EPA and DHA. It is better for them to take omega-3 fatty acids from fish and fish oil.

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