
Covid-19 India: Corona effect reduced! 1.73 lakh cases were reported in last 24 hours, lowest in 46 days

The outbreak of the second wave of Coronavirus continues in India, although statistics show that the outbreak of infection has decreased. But the orgy of death is not ending. In the past, the number of people getting infected with this epidemic had reached more than 4 lakhs per day. It is a matter of relief that now the number of infected people coming every day has reached 1.73 lakh. If seen, this number is the lowest in the last 46 days.

At the same time, it should be noted that on daily deaths, this figure still remains beyond about 3 thousand. In the last 24 hours, 3,617 people have succumbed to the virus. However, in the same time, 2,84,601 people have been cured after defeating this virus.

According to the latest data released by the Ministry of Health, 1 lakh 73 thousand 790 new corona cases have come in the last 24 hours. At the same time, this virus took the lives of 3 thousand 617 people. However, it is a matter of relief that 2 lakh 84 thousand 601 people have also been cured of corona. A day before this, 1.86 lakh cases were reported on Thursday.

On the other side of the new cases of corona infection, the rate of patients recovering from corona across the country has now reached 90.80 percent. Whereas, the weekly infection rate is at 9.84 percent. Earlier on Friday also the daily infection rate stood at 8.36 percent. If seen, this is the fifth consecutive day when the daily infection rate has been below 10 percent.

Talking about the vaccination being done to defeat this virus, according to the data, a total of 20.89 crore doses have been given in the country. In the last 24 hours, 30,62,747 vaccines of the last corona virus were administered in the country. While a total of 34.1 crore sample tests of Corona have been done so far.

Total number of patients till date

2 crore 77 lakh 29 thousand 247

number of cured patients

2 crore 51 lakh 78 thousand 011

death toll from corona

3 lakh 22 thousand 512

Total No. of Active Cases

22 lakh 28 thousand 724

Total Vaccinations in the Country

20 crore 89 lakh 02 thousand 445

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