Health and Fitness Lifestyle Weight Loss

How to Lose Weight in Three Days

Lose Weight

Weight can be lost within three days, but the result will be temporary in the event of failure to adhere to the appropriate diet and exercise, Here explains that weight lose during the three days is from water weight in the body, not from fat, and therefore dietary behaviors must be changed. for a long real weight lose.

On the other hand decrease can weight about four kg and a half in three days, but this is not a healthy system, and can not happen, correct the way to lose weight is to reduce calorie intake by 500 calories per day For a whole week , this leads to a loss of about half a kilogram, and this is what the Nutrition Academy recommends, so following a different method leads to the loss of water , muscles from the body, in addition to weakening of the bones.

Effective weight lose in three days

Lose Weight

The Three Day Diet

The three-day diet or the military diet includes a strict diet within three days, then taking four days to rest, and this regime relies on low calories and foods that interact chemically with each other to reduce weight.

The First Day

First day This day’s meals should contain 1,400 calories, distributed as follows:

  • Breakfast: one slice of toast, with two tablespoons of peanut butter, half a grapefruit, and a cup of black coffee or tea.
  • Lunch: one slice of bread, or toast, half a cup of tuna, and a cup of black coffee or tea.
  • Dinner: Three ounces of meat, one cup of green beans, half a banana, a small apple, and one cup of vanilla ice cream.

The Second Day

The meals for the second day should include 1200 calories, distributed as follows:

  • Breakfast: one slice of toast, half a banana, and one boiled egg.
  • Lunch: a cup of cheese, a boiled egg, and five salty bread.
  • Dinner: two sausages, one cup of broccoli, half a banana, and one cup of vanilla ice cream.

The Third Day

The meals for the third day should contain 1100 calories, distributed as follows:

  • Breakfast: a slice of cheddar, a small apple, and five pieces of salty biscuit.
  • Lunch: a slice of bread or toast, and a boiled egg.
  • Dinner: a cup of tuna, half a banana, and a cup of vanilla ice cream.


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