Foods Hair Care Health and Fitness Lifestyle

5 Best Natural Oils For Your Healthy and Shiny Hair

Oiling our hair is not a new thing for us Indians. For us, it is like a tradition, which has been passed down for generations and is still an integral part of our beauty rituals. There are many benefits of applying hair oil, although we will talk about them some other day, but oil is definitely one of the easiest foods to nourish and care for hair. As we move from north to south in our country, we come across many types of natural oils, which people have been using for centuries and why not? This oil makes hair shiny, thick and strong. Here we are listing down 5 best natural oils for your hair that you can try.

List of Top 5 Best Natural Oils for Healthy, Shiny, and Strong Hair

1. Almond Oil

Natural Oils

Almond oil, also known as sweet almond oil. It is extracted by pressing ripe almonds. You’ll want to know why it ranks first on the list, as this powerful oil saturates your hair with moisture. Rich in Vitamin E and fatty acids, this oil works to add softness and shine to the hair. Apart from this, it helps in getting rid of dandruff and dead skin. Massage your scalp with almond oil and leave it overnight, then you will get many nutritional benefits from it.

2. Coconut Oil

Natural Oils

Think about hair oil and don’t think about coconut oil, it is impossible. Most of us have grown up applying coconut oil to our hair. Even though we did not like it, but we still include it in our daily routine because of its benefits. Coconut oil is rich in lauric acid and best natural oils for hair growth and skin both, which nourishes and moisturizes your hair. This is a very good option to prevent the loss of protein from the hair. Each gets absorbed well throughout your hair. Apart from this, it also promotes thick and long hair which we all love.

3. Argan Oil

best Natural Oils

Argan oil is no less than a magic medicine for extremely dry and unruly hair. Trusted and loved by experts and stylists, argan oil is something that your hair is sure to love. Why? Because it is rich in nourishing nutrients, vitamins and antioxidants, which gives shine and softness to your hair. You can add life to your lifeless hair with this oil. Massage the hair with this oil from root to tip and leave it for a few hours. Then see, the magic of this oil.

4. Bhringraj Oil

Bhringraj oil, an extraordinary hair transforming oil, is prepared from the Bhringraj plant, which has an important place in Ayurveda. It is also a powerful treatment for hair, besides benefiting them in many ways. It contains iron and vitamins, which help in preventing premature graying, hair fall, dandruff and dryness. It promotes hair growth and makes them shiny. Still need to say anything more about this hair hero oil?

5. Olive Oil

olive oil for hair and skin

Olive oil is great for your hair, not just for your favorite pizza and pasta! One of the benefits of olive oil is for your scalp as well, as this oil is rich in anti-inflammatory properties, which helps to soothe your scalp irritations. Apart from this, olive oil is known to manage your hair and provide many benefits to the hair. It also strengthens your hair, making it thicker and longer.


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